Designed for anyone whose job it is to clean food premises and relates to most sectors, private and public alike. It is appropriate for any organisation where food is prepared and is particularly significant for sectors where food preparation is a key activity, such as hospitality, food manufacturing and food retail.
L2 Award in Cleaning in Food Premises
This new qualification is designed to provide candidates with the essential knowledge about cleaning in food premises. From the importance of cleaning, to the preparation, methods and impacts, the syllabus covers the whole process of the cleaning activity and its effect within food premises.
DURATION One day usually over 6 hours APPROVAL Chartered Institute of Environmental Health COURSE CONTENT Why clean? Preparation for cleaning Cleaning methods and processes Cleaning standards and impacts
METHOD OF ASSESSMENT 30 Multiple choice question paper ENTRY CRITERIA CIEH L2 award in Food Safety for Manufacturing/Catering/Retail VENUE In house or external COST Details of costs are available on application